Sunday, July 19, 2020


All's well, that ends well
is a well known adage.
But, what's well for one
may not quell another.
Feelings and emotions
When felt, will tell.

But, closure is important
even if the subject is potent
When done well, it almost, 
always leads to a
new beginning from 
where it ends!

A beginning of faith
and renewed friendship
A ray of hope to claim 
our minute to fame
A new and fun journey 
in pursuit of happiness.

Happiness, that begins
with short moments of joy
when we admire 
the beauty of small things
in life, our life!
All's well, that ends well.

@balaji palanidurai

This piece of work was inspired by the virtual reunion of my school friends. It was an evening of joy and laughter when we as adults had to be told off by our children to watch our behaviour. An evening of rendezvous with friends spread across the globe. Friends who as a last minute request rendered their heart through song and music. A small group of us collaborated for a few weeks to put up this show. When the curtains closed there was this falling, of last day at school, once again!

Dedicating this to all my friends from school ..the Marubadiyum 92 batch. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Keats Quotes: 202x

Have a nice day.
© All quotes, where the source is not explicitly stated, are original thoughts of Balaji Palanidurai (a.k.a Keats Baladadan or KBD in short)

"The pen is, indeed, mightier than a stylus and the landscape of a A4 paper can make our mind more elastic, which can sustain any cloudburst" - KBD 30Nov2024

"People come, people go.
Pathways created, will stay
Navigate, if we learn to do
Enjoy the journey, we may!"
- KBD - 21st Nov 2024 - Slacked it to Nicole😀

"Peace won by the compromise of principles is a short-lived achievement."~ Author Unknown. 

"To take a decision is more difficult than to plunge into action."
E.P.Menon in Foot-prints on friendly roads

"Fear is an emotion experienced in the present, which is triggered by (us) guessing the future based on our past knowledge."
- KBD. 18th May 2024. Chennai airport lounge

"What you believe about life may be true, and it may not be true. Either way, those beliefs are essential to your daily actions, habits, behaviours and attitude. Decide which beliefs are getting in your way!."
Fortune writing in Times of India for Leo on 27th Sep 2023 by Anupam V Kapil

 The nourishment of body is food, while the nourishment of the soul is feeding others." Hazrat Ali A.S
Shared by Rtn Padbanaman on WhatsApp group on 5th July.

"One person dreams;a true leader is a dealer in hope, and everybody works to fulfill that hope, that dream"
- Shekar Mehta past President- Rotary International at Lakshya 2023 event in Kolkata

"Technical skill is mastery of complexity, while creativity is mastery of simplicity."~ Christopher Zeeman. 
03 May 2023

"A deep thought today could be an noble idea tomorrow and an useful innovation the day after" - 01 Mar 2023

"In your Present, pick the pillars of strength from your past to build the foundation of your future" - Arun M92 2 Mar 2023

"The job of a founder is to build a startup people will learn to love but don't know they currently need" - Joel Hansen . 23 Feb 2023

"How long we live is not our choice,
How well we live is certainly our choice."
T.S. Prabhurajah
NAAM Uzhavar 
18Feb2023 - TeamJ event The Prisidency Club

Emoting for short term gain leads to long term pain.
- Keats Passion'durai
28 Jan 2023
(Outcome of PMV founder Shark Tank pitch analysis on LinkedIn) 

Creativity sparks when you freeup  mindspace for your thoughts to thrive and before thinking begins! - Keats Baladadan
7 Dec 2022

To err in private is yearning; in public is learning! - Keats Baladadan

While in pursuit of your passion and purpose, find a window of opportunity to pursue your profession! - Keats Baladadan

"Reality is merely an illusion, but a very persistent one. - Albert Einstein.

"A messenger gone missing may make a million messages manifest itself"
- Keats Baladadan

Through action, a person becomes a hero.
Through death, a hero becomes a legend.
Through time, a legend becomes a Myth.
And by learning from the Myth, a person takes action...
- Adapted from Anonymous 

"Memories make our life more valuable as we can redeem it anytime we want." -Keats Baladadan

"If your want addresses someone's basic need, let them have it. If your want is exploited for someone's greed, let it go"
- Keats Baladadan

"All of humanity's problem stems from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone." - Blaise Pascal
(Was in the book, the art of thinking clearly)

"There is no passion to be found playing small- in settling for a life that you are capable of living." - Nelson Mandela

"Lack of compassion can be as vulgar as an excess of tears"
"Harsh reality is always better than false hope"
"Hope is the tease designed to prevent us to accept the reality"
"It's better to know the worst than wonder"
From Downton Abbey web series 

"In your tussle between flexibility and freedom, be calm and let freedom takeover! 
- Keats Baladadan

"When in doubt, opt for flexibility over freedom. Not everyone is flexible enough to embrace freedom"
- Keats Baladadan 21st Apr 21

Trust created through experience, sustains. Trust created through advocacy, merely survives.
4th Dec 2020

Only when we experience the heat, we can appreciate the shade under a tree! 
4th Dec 2020

One need not necessarily have to show others as wrong to prove themselves right! 7th Sep 2020

Birthdays and anniversaries have one thing in common; memories. Recall, rejoice and rejuvenate!  19th Aug 2020

It's a different feeling to wake up to the call of nature instead to natures call🙂 - 18th July

"When, what's right for the first, does not resonate with the second, try introducing it in a third person point of view" - 11th July 2020
(Inspired by Alter Narrative)

"Highly talented people also make silly mistakes, but they realize it before others and auto-correct it." - 10th July 2020

Patience and perseverance have one common factor, time. Objective will determine the outcome. - 5th July 2020

Hearing and listening have a common denominator, our ears. State of mind is the differentiator. - 1st July 2020

Looking and seeing have a common denominator, our eyes. Perception is the differentiator. - 1st July 2020

"You either live to die or die to live. Time is the common denominator. Intent, the differentiator". - 30th Jun 2020
(Outcome of a conversation with my mother)

"A slap in public and insult in private are no different. Anger is the common denominator. Intent, the differentiator". - 30th Jun 2020
(Inspired by Thappad movie)

© All quotes, where the source is not explicitly stated, is original thoughts of Balaji Palanidurai (a.k.a Keats Passion'durai)

Paranteen beats

Let me into your teen, it makes sense drummed the beat in a mother's heart Let me be free and wean thru adolescence echoed the bea...