Titles and captions are a hook
They get tired masses to look
Does it matter where you look?
What matters is, what you see!
Intent is to share, so it spreads
Some even turn a few heads
Does it matter what you hear?
What matters is, what you listen!
Some even turn a few heads
Does it matter what you hear?
What matters is, what you listen!
Content mostly is curated & inside
Time to read or hear will decide
Does it matter how you interpret ?
What matter is, you don't fret!
Time to read or hear will decide
Does it matter how you interpret ?
What matter is, you don't fret!
Purpose, often is to drive a message
Wide acceptance makes authors a sage
Does it matter when you will apply?
What matters is, will you comply!
Wide acceptance makes authors a sage
Does it matter when you will apply?
What matters is, will you comply!
Back cover is an absolute must to sell
Highlights nice words, people tell
Does it matter, what is the price?
What matter is, it makes you feel nice!
Highlights nice words, people tell
Does it matter, what is the price?
What matter is, it makes you feel nice!
Titles and captions are a hook
They get tired masses to look
Does it matter where you look?
What matters is, what you see!
They get tired masses to look
Does it matter where you look?
What matters is, what you see!
©Balaji Palanidurai
I wrote this poem in an hour on the morning of 30th Sep 2018 while waiting for the priest whom we had asked to come to pray for my father on his 6th death anniversary.
©Balaji Palanidurai
I wrote this poem in an hour on the morning of 30th Sep 2018 while waiting for the priest whom we had asked to come to pray for my father on his 6th death anniversary.
Idle mind of current times look for something to get it engaged. So, i dipped into the whatsapp group to get inspired by heritage! There was a forward of a youtube video recording of an open house with Sadhguru for some law students. The title was interesting and hooked me to to see the 24 mins video.
Interesting perspective shared in that and is subject to interpretation.
I have signed up for the Author Launch Pad by Success Gyan to publish a book. The kickoff session taught me a few facts about marketing a book, which I could correlate to my experience with this video title.
Result is this poem.
The anchor picture of this poem includes books that defined what I want to do next!
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