My sustainable mind during sunset
is like a raging fire of the wild wild west.
Filled with ideas worth a million $ bet,
for wealth accrued in an angels closet.
Using the red skies as a green canvas
it creates mission statements, for a cause;
a vison to reach beyond the horizon
and, in mankind; it reimagines compassion
For clean air to breath as the outcome
it chooses personal value over income
In tandem, to elevate human potential
it fears not to sweat it's share of capital
As the vision gets wider it's canvas bigger
Liaisons join and alter the narrative together
In friends & family and neighbour
it seeks an, all weather, seed investor
"Is it an idea worth sharing?", it checks on TED
"Until proven, it's a just a story", TED said
It's matter of mindset and race against time
Proven it will be, when climate rings a chime
©Balaji Palanidurai