Monday, July 31, 2017

My WhatsApp group

First message pops up around 6am
To announce, still in the group, I am

Prayers and quotes next inline
Naysayers too accept and align

1001 the final count from yesterday
Could we better that today?

Music, pets, selfies, mood and food
Forward it gets ugly, bad or good

Emojis hundreds lands like thunder
Sometimes it is even to surrender

Timezones cross so does the greeting
Games get played without cheating

While the show and rants continue
Exit or not ...keep thinking a few!!

©Balaji Palanidurai

Sunday, July 30, 2017


எத்தனை கவிஞர்கள் நமக்குள்
எத்தனை நினைவுகள் மனத்திற்குள்
எத்தனை நண்பர்கள் இந்த உலகில்
எத்தனை தூரம் நம் நடுவில்

குறைந்தது தூரம், பெருகியது நட்பு
கலைந்தது கூச்சம், நிறைந்தது உணர்வு
விலகியது தயக்கம், கூடியது உற்சாகம்
அடங்கியது உற்சாகம், தலைதூக்கியது கவிதை....
... தன்னடக்க கவிதை, தாகம் தீர்க்கும் கவிதை, தானாக வந்த கவிதை !!!

©Balaji Palanidurai

Sunday, July 23, 2017

92 onceagain, onceagain in 42

Down memory lane some went
From around the world they had descent
Aliens most felt they will be
Wished, secretly they did to be a queen bee
Selfies millions they took, groupies while it was sunny
Smiles zillions they shared almost calling each other honey
Beautiful they were inspite of few extra pound and flesh
Bountiful they shared hugs and memories that still felt fresh
Years ago they departed with a book full of signatures
Tears filled most eyes when they saw a book with their caricature
The lane they traveled was aptly christened  "92 onceagain"
Friends they were and will be always, to celebrate again and again.

©Balaji Palanidurai
I wrote this  poem about our school reunion after 25 years. 50 of us came together from across the globe.

Paranteen beats

Let me into your teen, it makes sense drummed the beat in a mother's heart Let me be free and wean thru adolescence echoed the bea...